
Nagoya Bites podcast on the EU ABS Regulation

Published on
November 2, 2021

A new episode of the podcast ‘Nagoya Bites’, hosted by the German Nagoya Protocol HuB, discusses the EU ABS Regulation with Martin Brink of the Dutch ABS Focal Point as a special guest.

In addition to the tools and resources on their very informative website, the German Nagoya Protocol HuB (GNP HuB) also hosts ‘Nagoya Bites’, a podcast for users of genetic resources with bite-sized pieces of information about the Nagoya Protocol and access and benefit-sharing (ABS). Although mainly aimed at researchers in the German academic sector, the podcast could be useful for anyone else involved in research and development on genetic resources. The podcast’s host, Elizabeth Karger from the GNP HuB and the Leibniz Institute DSMZ, interviews a variety of people involved in ABS, ranging from competent authorities and national focal points to users of genetic resources.

In the most recent episode, Martin Brink of the Dutch ABS Focal Point and Elizabeth Karger discuss the scope of the EU ABS Regulation (EU Regulation 511/2014) and how users can comply with their due diligence obligations. In previous episodes, user checks for ABS compliance in Germany and the development of an institutional compliance strategy at Kiel University were discussed.

Find the newest podcast episode and the previous ones on the page ‘Podcasts’ of the GNP HuB website.