
Healthy ageing

Everyone would like to become 100 years. But how big is the chance of reaching this, and are you going to do that in good health, and what should you do or not do to achieve this? These are questions that many ask themselves, but to which not many can give a founded answer, simply because there are so many factors that play a role.

Organised by Wageningen Campus NL

Thu 15 December 2016 19:45

If you are curious, you have to come to the science cafe, in which Professor Dorly Deeg of VU medical centre, and also scientific director of the Longitudinal Aging Studie Amsterdam (LASA), will present her findings obtained through yearlong population research on elderly people. She will discuss not only physical but also mental consequences of ageing. Professor Lisette de Groot, connected to the human nutrition group of Wageningen University will especially tell about the role of nutrition in healthy ageing, but will also highlight other factors such as exercise.

Prof. Dorly Deeg was appointed in 1991 as associate professor in the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, department of Psychiatry. Since 2001, she is a full professor of epidemiology of aging in the department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, EMGO-Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Centre. Her publications include studies of longevity, morbidity, functional limitations, cognitive impairment, depression, personal competence, life style, social support, historic trends, and methodology. Furthermore, Prof. Deeg is a fellow in the Gerontological Society of America, and has been a partner in several EU-funded projects.

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Lisette de Groot is Professor of Nutrition and Ageing at the Division of Human Nutrition at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. She was trained in Nutrition, physiology and epidemiology at the Wageningen University. She has gained twenty-five years of research experience in the field of nutrition and health of elderly people, both in nutritional epidemiology and in intervention studies in old age. Her research interests center around the role of nutrition in the maintenance of health in old age with due attention for nutritional ways to slow down ageing related functional decline.