Wisdom & Wonder Pavilion disappears, anniversary continues!
On 13 July, halfway the jubilee year of Wageningen University & Research, the Wisdom & Wonder Pavilion between Orion and Atlas will be disassembled. The jubilee year will continue until 11 November this year.
During the construction in March it was already known that the pavilion would be there for half a year. Due to the break in the 100 years of activities in the summer, renting the pavilion is not profitable. Space must also be made for the organization of the General Introduction Days (AID) in August.
After the summer, the first activity within the theme Food is again on 27 August. From then on, the 100 years WUR activities will take place in the WUR buildings. The last theme ‘Earth’ starts at 1 September and continues until 11 November 2018.
Have a look on the special program page to find all 100 years activities
Contact 100years@wur.nl