Final Seminar of SYSTEMIC project in Madrid
On the 12th of March, the coordinators and several partners of the SYSTEMIC project gathered in Madrid (and online) to present the final results of the project. They were joined by members of the three JPIs HDHL, OCEANS and FACCE, funding agency representatives and members of the HDHL Management Board, Scientific Advisory Board and Stakeholder Advisory Board. The SYSTEMIC project has been running since 01/07/2020 and will be ending on 30/06/2024. The final seminar in Madrid was an opportunity to hear more about the outcomes and development of the project as well as the needs and opportunities that wait ahead for food and nutrition security.
The SYSTEMIC project, 'an integrated approach to the challenge of sustainable food systems: adaptive and mitigatory strategies to address climate change and malnutrition', is a collaborative project that brought together 41 partners from 8 different countries and from different disciplines and expertise on different parts of the food system to explore cross-cutting solutions, identify knowledge gaps and develop pathways for a food system transformation, which is climate-resilient and able to cope with societal challenges.
The project was funded as a result of the joint call "Knowledge Hub on Food and Nutrition Security 2019" (KH on FNS) launched by HDHL JPI, FACCE JPI and OCEANS JPI with the aim of fostering transnational and multidisciplinary collaboration and networking in order to accelerate, further characterize and to manage the impact of climate change on nutritional make-up of food, and to propose adaptive strategies/ measures to ensure food and nutrition security.
You can find more information about the projects's goals and findings on the SYSTEMIC webpage.