PhD candidates
Below the 15 PhD candidates recruited for INSECT DOCTORS with the topic of their reseach project and their affiliations within the programme.
WP 1: Pathogen-host interactions

Wageningen University, IRBI (CNRS), and Tours University

University of Copenhagen and University of Exeter
Jozsef Takacs
Interactions between pathogens infecting crickets: who paves the way for the other?Inhoud

University of Copenhagen and Wageningen University

University of Exeter and University of Copenhagen
Pascal Herren
Impact of multiple biotic and abiotic stressors on pathogenesis in mealworms and wax moths

UKCEH, University of Leeds, and University of Copenhagen
WP 2: Covert infections and pathogen detection

Wageningen University and University of Valencia
Wageningen University
University of Exeter

University of Valencia and Wageningen University

IRBI (CNRS), University of Tours, and University of Valencia
Lim Fang-Shiang
Development of diagnostics tools for pathogen detection in a variety of mass reared insects

Julius Kuhn Institute (JKI), University of Valencia
WP 3: . Increasing insect resistance against pathogens

University of Copenhagen, UK-CEH, and University of Leeds
Jennifer Upfold
The role of microbiota in host resistance against bacterial and fungal pathogens in wax moths

INRAE, Agro Paris Tech, and University of Copenhagen

INRAE, Agro Paris Tech and Wageningen University

IRBI (CNRS), University of Tours, and University of Exeter
Alessandro Roman
University of Exeter and University of Wageningen