EJP SOIL welcomes its Advisory Board
The European Joint Programme has introduced its Advisory Board, which will provide independent advice to the EJP SOIL strategic research roadmap. Thus, the Board will support the scientific excellence, societal relevance and impact of the EJP SOIL. Its composition ensures that a wide diversity of relevant stakeholders’ perspectives is provided and that these perspectives are considered and integrated in the entire work cycle of the EJP SOIL.
The members are active at international level and have a broad vision of the challenges facing agriculture, food and environment. The twenty-one Board members are experts in a diversity of disciplines, creating a board composed of scientific experts and representatives of scientific and stakeholder organisations. They have been selected for their outstanding scientific and/or professional record at international level. The Board is chaired by Professor dr. Katharina Helming, professor of sustainability assessment, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) in Germany. Dr. Bram Moeskops, Research & Innovation Manager at IFOAM Organics Europe in Brussels, is the Vice-Chair of the board.
EJP SOIL aims to create an enabling environment to enhance the contribution of agricultural soils to key societal challenges such as climate change adaptation and mitigation, sustainable agricultural production, ecosystem services provision, prevention and restoration of land and soil degradation and biodiversity maintenance. The EJP Soil consortium unites a unique group of 26 leading European research institutes and universities in 24 countries and is coordinated by INRAE, FR and WUR, NL (deputy).
Read more about the role of the Advisory Board and its members on the EJP SOIL website.