Four ERA-NETs jointly invite new research on circularity
The ‘Circularity in mixed crops and livestock farming systems with emphasis on climate change mitigation and adaptation’ joint research call is open. This effort of four ERA-NETs: SusAn (Sustainable Animal Production Systems), FACCE ERA-GAS (Monitoring and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases from Agriculture and Silviculture), ICT-AGRI-FOOD and SusCrop (Sustainable Crop Production) stimulates research on (re-) integration of crop and livestock farming systems with the aim to enhance circularity between these systems and thereby improve the sustainability of farms.
The 2021 Joint Call consists of 30 public Funding Parties from 16 European countries, 3 EU-associated countries and 4 from other countries, including both funders from non-European countries and international networks. The Netherlands is participating in this call. A total amount of around EUR 16 million has been provisionally reserved for this call, which follows a one-stage submission procedure. The deadline for the submission of full proposals is the 26th of May.
More information, including the call documents, is available on the SusCrop website.