Joint research 'societal transformation in the face of Climate Change'
In the fall of 2019, The Joint Programming Initiative on Climate, launched a joint transnational Call: "Enabling Societal Transformation in the Face of Climate Change" (SOLSTICE). The Social Sciences and Humanities were explicitly invited to take the lead and submit proposals that address the societal impact of climate change. Ten European countries (AT, BE, CZ, FI, FR, IE, IT, LV, NO, UK) joined forces with an indicative budget of around EUR 7 million. In total, seven projects have now been selected:
- CCC-CATAPULT: Challenging the Climate Crisis: Children’s Agency to TAckle Policy Underpinned by Learning for Transformation;
- Just-Scapes: Environmental justice analysis to advance rural landscape transformations in the face of climate change;
- 202CM: Overcoming Obstacles and Disincentives to Climate Change Mitigation: A cross-cutting approach by human and social sciences;
- ROLES: Responsive Organising for Low Emission Societies;
- JUSTDECARB: Socially Just and Politically Robust Decarbonisation: A Knowledge Base and Toolkit for Policymakers;
- SOLARIS: SOLidarity in climate change Adaptation policies: towards more socio-spatial justice in the face of multiple RISks;
- CLEAN Cultures: An approach for innovative Climate Learning, Evaluation and Action in Neighbourhoods.
You can find out more about these projects and the Call on the SOLSTICE website.