New infectious diseases research starting in 2021
The first call of the ERA-NET Cofund on infectious diseases ICRAD (International coordination of research on infectious diseases) has resulted in 19 transnational collaborative research projects selected for funding, including partners from 20 different countries. The call covered the major groups of infectious diseases of animals (including fishes and bees), and infections by viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal pathogens, prions, and multifactorial diseases, with particular emphasis on ASF and animal influenza.
The following projects were selected:
- NucNanoFish: Nucleic NanoVaccines for Fish;
- Bruce-GenoProt: A comprehensive proteogenomic analysis of Brucella to understand the epidemiology, biology, virulence mechanisms, and host-pathogen interaction;
- Plants4Nemavax1: Plant-based production of glyco-engineered nematode vaccines;
- ASFVInt: Decoding a virus Achilles heel: the African swine fever virus interactome;
- NEOVACC: Novel strategies to enhance vaccine immunity in neonatal livestock;
- RODENTGATE1: Future Rodent Management For Pıg And Poultry Health
- CAE-RAPID: Development of a rapid screening test for on-site serological diagnostics of caprine arthritis-encephalitis using individual milk samples;
- TechPEPCon: Use of frontline technologies to screen pathogens, environment and pigs for a better disease control in swine herds;
- FluNuance1: Virulent Non-Notifiable Avian Influenza; Determinants of virulence of emerging viruses;
- TCWDE: Tackling chronic wasting disease in Europe;
- PREVENTER: Deciphering the role of influenza D virus in bovine and human respiratory diseases in Europe;
- MUSECoV: Multi-scale Eco-evolution of Coronaviruses: from surveillance toward emergence prediction;
- FMDV_PersIstOmics: From proteogenomic host response signatures of persistent foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) infection to diagnostic markers and therapeutic control;
- ASF-RASH1: African Swine Fever pathogenesis and immune responses in Resistant And Susceptible Hosts;
- BM-FARM: Biomarkers and Microbiome in Farms for Antimicrobial Resistance Management;
- PIGIE: Understanding the dynamics and evolution of swine influenza viruses in Europe: relevance for improved intervention and sustainable pig production;
- Biosens4PrecisionMastitis: Channel-based biosensors to support a precision agriculture approach for improved bovine mastitis management;
- ConVErgence1: Assessing swine as potential hosts for emerging Coronaviruses;
- IFNASF: Characterization of virus- and host-specific modulation of type I IFN in African Swine Fever Virus virulence or attenuation.
1Projects where Dutch researchers are involved.
More information on the projects is available at the ICRAD website.