Soil Mission Support kicks off
The initiative Soil Mission Support: Towards a European research and innovation roadmap on soils and land management started November 1st. This initiative will bring together the main players in soil health and management in a transdisciplinary approach. With its activities, it will support the European Commission and the Mission Board of the Horizon Europe Mission in the area of Soil Health and Food in delivering the objectives. Activities that are planned include the analysis of the needs for Research and Innovation on soil and land management as expressed through stakeholder/citizen consultations and ongoing research projects. Also the identification of gaps, priority areas and types of action for interventions, resulting in a stakeholder-based, co-created roadmap for R&I, is part of the work plan.
The partners of Soil Mission Support are well known institutes from Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain working in the field of soil /land management. Dutch partners are Wageningen University & Research and DELTARES. The initiative is coordinated by the German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) and the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). The Communication work package is led by the Environmental Agency Austria (UBA). Soil Mission Support has a scientific advisory board and stakeholder partners that committed themselves to follow the project and contribute to its activities.
More information on Soil Mission Support is available at the CORDIS website and at the BLE website.