SUSFOOD2 published its second strategic scene report
The ERA-NET SUSFOOD2 recently updated and published their strategic scene review report. It contains an analysis of the strategic scene of SUSFOOD, based on the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and various sources of information on food related policies and initiatives. The report updates the current trends and new research needs in the European food sector and provides input for the second implementation plan.
Sustainability continues as a major trend and challenge in the European and global food field. Consumers have personal preferences, demands and needs resulting in new expectations for diversity of food systems. Research in the food area is active but it needs continuously to be adapted to a changing environment and new boundary conditions. The report also shows that the activities of SUSFOOD2 are well in line with recent European policies like the European Green Deal. Sustainable food production and consumption, circularity, and prevention of food waste are at the heart of the Farm to Fork strategy published in May 2020 – and the same themes are the core of SUSFOOD SRA.
For more information, visit the SUSFOOD2 website.