Creating Resilience in Pigs Through Artificial Intelligence (CuRly Pig TAIL)
With current knowledge and practices tail biting seems hard to fully prevent. Tail biting is the result of reduced health or wellbeing of pigs, with a number of risk factors involved. An early warning system is not yet available.
The project Creating Resilience in Pigs Through Artificial Intelligence (CuRly Pig TAIL) aims to overcome this gap by developing an advanced non-invasive monitoring system for resilience in pigs. Intact curly tails are a flag of high resilience. Being able to raise pigs with intact tails is regarded as a significant indicator of a healthy, well managed and resilient pig and pig husbandry system.
Rendering meaningful signs of decreasing resilience
Single monitoring systems of external signals already exist. However, a system registering and interpreting individual and group behaviour does not. Combining relevant signals from the animal as well as its group and the surroundings of the animal to render meaningful signs of decreasing resilience has not been developed yet.
By using behavioural knowledge, computer vision and deep learning techniques, signals can be gathered and interpreted in an automated manner. Health problems, as well as disruptions in climate, feed and mental status (i.e. boredom) of pigs all lead to a decreased resilience and a higher exploratory need, often resulting in tail biting. Currently, almost all piglets are routinely tail docked at a young age to prevent this symptom of decreased resilience, but this procedure is subject to ethical and societal debate.
Deep learning uses machine-learning algorithms that can learn to detect patterns in the sensor data, which can be used for classification, partitioning and detection.

Pig’s tail posture and intactness crucial indicators
The aim of this research is to integrate interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge regarding pigs (welfare, health, physiology and ethology), computer vision and machine deep learning to develop an automated monitoring system which can detect multiple disturbances in the pig and the husbandry system (e.g. changes in tail posture, skin colour, flow patterns, climate, etc. ) which are known to endanger the resilience of individual pigs and groups of pigs. In this way, early interventions to restore resilience can be made, thereby improving pig welfare and health.
Our main indicator for resilience is the pig’s tail posture and intactness, but through our inter- and transdisciplinary approach also new indicators of (loss of) resilience may be found. By using technical aids 24 hours a day, the detection of a change in the tail can be made earlier than a pig farmer currently is able to, thereby enabling the possibility of early intervention to take preventive measures.
Pig steers technology
In our approach, the pig is the focus point and technology will be developed monitoring the needs and welfare of the pig. This animal and technology based approach will be integrated with the craftsmanship of the farmer and act as a supporting system. By communicating integrated signals to the farmer the resilience of the pigs can be guarded and enhanced when necessary and an improvement in the economic return can be achieved. The system can also be used to improve the communication and transparency between the different partners in the supply chain.
Pig’s tail posture and intactness crucial indicators
The aim of this research is to integrate interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge regarding pigs (welfare, health, physiology and ethology), computer vision and machine deep learning to develop an automated monitoring system which can detect multiple disturbances in the pig and the husbandry system (e.g. changes in tail posture, skin colour, flow patterns, climate, etc. ) which are known to endanger the resilience of individual pigs and groups of pigs. In this way, early interventions to restore resilience can be made, thereby improving pig welfare and health.
Our main indicator for resilience is the pig’s tail posture and intactness, but through our inter- and transdisciplinary approach also new indicators of (loss of) resilience may be found. By using technical aids 24 hours a day, the detection of a change in the tail can be made earlier than a pig farmer currently is able to, thereby enabling the possibility of early intervention to take preventive measures.

Pig steers technology
In our approach, the pig is the focus point and technology will be developed monitoring the needs and welfare of the pig. This animal and technology based approach will be integrated with the craftsmanship of the farmer and act as a supporting system. By communicating integrated signals to the farmer the resilience of the pigs can be guarded and enhanced when necessary and an improvement in the economic return can be achieved. The system can also be used to improve the communication and transparency between the different partners in the supply chain.
Economic, academic and social impact perspectives
Monitoring health and welfare of animals is a highly demanding task for the farmer, with regard to time and complexity. Round the clock automated monitoring support will enable early interventions, and lead to less costs and more revenues for the farmer. Diseases and tail biting in pigs cause a significant economic loss for farmers (€ 8 million per year for tail biting in docked pigs), but also lead to use of antibiotics, which is cause for concern. CuRly Pig TAIL will contribute to control the risk of disease and tail biting, thereby improving the image and profitability of the pig sector.
The academic challenge is to integrate expert knowledge (from institutes within Wageningen University & Research), deep learning, computer vision systems and system design to boost innovation with development and application of new technologies. Innovative discoveries could include new subtle pig signals that enable early detection of decreased resilience.
Tail docking is a procedure that has raised societal concern. Besides discussion regarding the integrity of the animal, intact and undamaged tails are seen as an important indicator of a resilient and healthy system. Healthy pigs with high welfare and an intact curly tail will improve the general public’s perception of the pig sector, which is currently very low.
Methodological framework
The pig provides a huge amount of information for its resilience status by its behaviour and appearance (e.g. lying, eating, skin colour, eye colour, hair coat and tail-posture). By automated (non-invasive) monitoring of signals of the individual animal (e.g. tail posture, wounds, skin colour, water and feed consumption) and flow patterns of groups of animals, we believe it is possible to identify (early) signs of decreasing resilience that can ultimately result in disease and undesired damaging behaviour.
Processing collected signals from the pig and its environment with a combination of computer vision and pig knowledge and analysing them with deep learning techniques renders meaningful signals of decreasing resilience to the farmer. By combining deep learning with optical-flow approaches that identify movements in the image, abnormal dynamic behaviour of the herd can be detected.
Approach: group + individual = health status
We propose to develop an automatic system that supports the farmer with 24/7 monitoring of the herd, providing an early warning of potential behavioural problems and information on the health status of the individual pigs. The proposed method consists of three parts.

Part 1: group dynamics using optical flow
Group dynamics can be monitored by the flow of and interaction among animals (see figure). The flow encompasses the position and motion of the animals. Health and welfare issues associated with a change in group dynamics could be, e.g., infectious diseases, tail biting, aggression and boredom. We will investigate the relation between group dynamics and tail biting as a measure for resilience. A coarse analysis of optical flow has been shown to be predictive for animal welfare in, for instance, detection of African swine fever in pigs and several welfare measures in poultry.
We will describe the group dynamics using optical flow extracted from the images of overhead cameras. Optical flow describes the local motion in the image at a given time point. By registering the flow vectors over time, a spatial-temporal representation can be modelled probabilistically. Such a model gives the probability for motion in a particular direction at a particular point in space and time. During normal behaviour, the model will reveal the standard motion patterns of the herd. If at some point the motion pattern is classified by the model as unlikely, there is an indication that the behaviour of the herd is changing and the farmer can be warned.
Part 2: inspection of individual health
Body language and behaviour provides relevant information concerning the health and welfare of a pig. Signals are for example skin colour and temperature, eye colour, injuries (incl. tail wounds), respiration (rhythm, quality, coughing) and eating and drinking behaviour (e.g. number of meals, water consumption). Problems which can be detected by careful observation of the pig are for example diseases, decreased growth performance, welfare status (pain, stress, negative emotions), respiratory and gut problems.
To allow health inspection, we need to monitor the individual pig in great detail. We therefore envision a system equipped with multiple cameras and controlled illumination that functions as a gate to the feeding area, so that pigs pass the system multiple times a day. With this setup, a high-resolution 3D colour reconstruction of the animal can be determined, data that can be used for thorough inspection of the health status of the pig. We will use a subset of deep-learning methods, convolutional neural networks, to detect different body parts (e.g., tail, skin, eyes and ears). Using the same methods, the health status of the body parts can be determined. Positive indicators of health are, for instance a curly tail, clean skin and the absence of wounds. Additionally, volume information can be extracted from the 3D reconstruction to determine the growth of the animal. The networks will be trained on a set of data with healthy and unhealthy pigs, which are annotated by an expert in the field on animal welfare. The trained network will then be able to determine the health status for all pigs that enter the gate similarly to how the expert will judge it. By combining this with an RFID tag, health of each animal can be tracked and traced over time. Deviations from normal and healthy can be signalled to the farmer.
Part 3: Combining group dynamics and health of the individual pigs
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All the information gathered by the system can be presented to the farmer on, for instance, a mobile device. Important is that the information is useful for the farmer and we will therefore develop the methods and visualization of the data in close collaboration with the end users of the system.