Feed4Foodure is a public private partnership between “Vereniging Diervoederonderzoek Nederland” (a Dutch association for animal nutrition research) and Wageningen University & Research.
The Dutch Ministry of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature supports the research programme through the TKI Agri&Food. The partners focus on sustainable animal nutrition and livestock husbandry. This includes resource efficiency, reduction of the ecological footprint of animal production and healthy and robust animals.
- Report 1463: Protein nutrition of dairy cows. Some relevant further aspects of protein nutrition of dairy cattle, when reducing protein nutrition in dairy cows in view of societal demands. 2024. A. Bannink, A. Van Ruitenbeek, W. Spek, R. Zom, J. Dijkstra
- Report 1357: Improvement of protein digestibility by changing digesta passage kinetics in broilers. 2022. Mens A.J.W., A.J.M. Jansman, E. Willems and M.M. van Krimpen
- Rapport 1322: Afwentelingen van methaan-mitigerende maatregelen in melkvee. 2021. Bannink, A. Dijkstra, J
- Report 1321: Nutritional requirements of the immune response in dairy cattle. A literature study into trade-offs in the transition period and early lactation. 2021. Bannink, A., A.H. van Ruitenbeek, J. Dijkstra, R.M.A. Goselink.
- Report 1320: Efficiëntie verbetering in de Nederlandse dierlijke productie en het effect daarvan op de N- en P- kringlopen. Efficiëntie op dierniveau in relatie tot de efficiëntie van hogere kringlopen. 2021. van Middelkoop J.C., L.B. Šebek
- Report 1319: Amino acid and energy requirements of weaned piglets kept under low and high sanitary conditions. 2021. Van der Peet-Schwering, C.M.C., M. van Helvoort, B. Martens, A.J.M. Jansman
- Report 1309: Impact of calcium content and calcium to phosphorus ratio in diets for weaned pigs. 2021. Bikker, P., J. Fledderus, M. van Helvoort
- Report 1308: Kinetics of calcium and phosphorus digestion and absorption in pigs. 2021. Hu, Y., J. van Baal, C. de Bruijn, J.W. Resink, and P. Bikker
- Report 1248: Amino acid and energy requirements of growing-finishing pigs kept under low and high sanitary conditions. 2020. van der Peet-Schwering C.M.C., R.G.J.A. Verheijen, G.P. Binnendijk, A.J.M. Jansman
- Report 1221: Phosphorus in transition cows: A dairy cow trial on phosphorus metabolism in the transition period. 2019. Goselink R.M.A., A. Bannink, J. Dijkstra.
- Report 1190: Energy and amino acid requirements of gestating and lactating sows. 2019. van der Peet-Schwering C.M.C., P. Bikker
- Report 1169: Determination of the irreversible loss rate of amino acids in broilers. 2019. van der Meulen J., P. van Wikselaar, A.J.M. Jansman
- Report 1168: Amino acid requirements in relation to health status in growing and finishing pigs. 2019. van der Peet-Schwering C.M.C., S.J. Koopmans, A.J.M. Jansman
- Report 1164: Effect of rumen degradable protein in concentrate on cow performance with two grazing strategies in 2016 and 2017: feeding trials supplemental feeding with grazing. 2019. Zom, R., Bannink, A. Šebek, L.
- Report 1144: Relationship between intestinal microbiota composition and growth performance in piglets. 2019. Schokker D., Alfons Jansman, Michiel Kleerebezem, and Monique Wolvekamp.
- Rapport 1097: Ontwikkeling van een meetlat voor immuuncompetentie in varkens, vleeskuikens en vleeskalveren. 2017. Jansman A., Dirkjan Schokker, Astrid de Greeff, Marinus van Krinpen, Marcel Hulst, Annemarie Rebel, Mari Smits, Arie Kies, Petra Roubos, Els Willems, Evelien Alderliesten, Eelke van der Wal
- Report WUR1809810:Effects of milk replacer composition on gut and lung health and performance in veal calves. 2017. Stockhofe-Zurwieden N., Astrid de Greeff, Lisette Ruuls, Stéphanie Vastenhouw, Dirkjan Schokker, Mari Smits, Eelke van der Wal, Peter Mölder, Alfons Jansman
- Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals, Bern, Switzerland: Effects of milk replacer composition on gut and lung health and performance in veal calves. 2019. de Greeff A., A.J.M. Jansman, E.M.F. Ruuls-van Stalle, S.A. Vastenhouw, D. Schokker, M.C.J. Smits, E. van der Wal, P. Mölder, N. Stockhofe
- Short communication: Quantifying postruminal starch fermentation in early-lactation Holstein-Friesian cows. van Gastelen S., J. Dijkstra, W.J.J. Gerrits, M.S. Gilbert, A. Bannink. 2023. Animal, Volume 17, 100974
- SNAPIG: a model to study nutrient digestion and absorption kinetics in growing pigs based on diet and ingredient properties. Schop M., Nguyen-Ba, H., Jansman, A.J.M., de Vries, S., Ellis, J.L., Bannink, A., Gerrits, W.J.J., 2023. Animal, Volume 17, 101025.
- Dietary supplementation of zinc oxide modulates intestinal functionality during the post-weaning period in clinically healthy piglets. Schokker D., Kar, S.K., Willems, E., Bossers, A., Dekker, R.A., Jansman, A.J. 2023. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 14(1), p.122.
- High dietary Ca and microbial phytase reduce the expression of Ca transporters while enhancing claudins involved in paracellular Ca absorption in the porcine jejunum and colon. Hu Y., van Baal, J., Hendriks, W.H., Resink, J.W., Liesegang, A., van Krimpen, M.M. and Bikker, P. 2023. British Journal of Nutrition, 129(7), p.1127-1135
- Review: Composition and utilisation of feed by monogastric animals in the context of circular food production systems. Bikker P., A.J.M. Jansman. 2023. Animal, Volume 17, Supplement 3, July 2023, 100892
- Feeding hydrogenated palm fatty acids and rumen-protected protein to lactating Holstein-Friesian dairy cows modifies milk fat triacylglycerol composition and structure, and solid fat content. Pacheco-Pappenheim S., Sine Yener, Kelly Nichols, Jan Dijkstra, Kasper Hettinga & Hein J.F.van Valenberg. 2022. Journal of Dairy Science 105, p. 2828-2839
- Essential amino acid profile of supplemental metabolizable protein affects mammary gland metabolism and whole-body glucose kinetics in dairy cattle. Nichols K., J. Dijkstra, M.J.H. Breuer, S. Lemosquet, W.J.J. Gerrits, A. Bannin. 2022. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 105, Issue 9, p. 7354 – 7372
- The impact of dietary calcium content on phosphorus absorption and retention in growing pigs is enhanced by dietary microbial phytase supplementation. Hu, Y., Hendriks, W., van Baal, J., Resink, J.W., Rodehutscord, M., Van Krimpen, M.M. and Bikker, P. 2022. British Journal of Nutrition, 129(6), p.955-966
- Mucosal expression of Ca and P transporters and claudins in the small intestine of broilers is altered by dietary Ca: P in a limestone particle size dependent manner. Hu Y.X., van Baal, J., Hendriks, W.H., Duijster, M., van Krimpen, M.M. and Bikker, P. 2022. Plos one, 17(9), p.e0273852.
- The impact of dietary calcium content on phosphorus absorption and retention in growing pigs is enhanced by dietary microbial phytase supplementation. Hu Y., Hendriks, W., van Baal, J., Resink, J.W., Rodehutscord, M., Van Krimpen, M.M., Bikker, P. 2022. British Journal of Nutrition, 129(6), p.955-966.
- Variations in N-linked glycosylation of glycosylation-dependent cell adhesion molecule 1 (GlyCAM-1) whey protein: Intercow differences and dietary effects. Rivca L. Valk-Weeber, Kelly Nichols, Lubbert Dijkhuizen, Etske Bijl, Sander S. van Leeuwen. Open Access, Published: February 04, 2021, Journal of Dairy Science
- Abomasal infusion of ground corn and ammonium chloride in early-lactating Holstein-Friesian dairy cows to induce hindgut and metabolic acidosis. van Gastelen, Sanne et al. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 104, Issue 4, 4174 – 4191
- Abomasal infusion of corn starch and β-hydroxybutyrate in early -lactation Holstein-Friesian dairy cows to induce hindgut and metabolic acidosis.Van Gastelen S., J. Dijkstra, S.J.J. Alferink, G. Binnendijk, K. Nichols, T. Zandstra, A. Bannink. 2021. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 104, Issue 12, p. 12520-12539
- Effects of dietary phosphorus concentration during the transition period on plasma calcium concentrations, feed intake, and milk production in dairy cows. Keanthao P., R. M. A. Goselink, J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink, and J. T. Schonewille. Submitted to Journal of Dairy Science. 2021. Journal of Dairy Science, volume 104, Issue 11, p. 11646-11659
- The impact of dietary calcium content on phosphorus absorption and retention in growing pigs is enhanced by dietary microbial phytase supplementation. Hu, Y.X., W.H. Hendriks, J. van Baal, J.W. Resink, M. Rodehutscord, M.M. van Krimpen, P. Bikker. 2021. British Journal of Nutrition, 129 (6), p. 1-31
- New insights into porcine / poultry calcium / phosphorus metabolism and nutrition. PhD thesis. Hu, Y. 2021. Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands
- Low-calcium diets increase duodenal mRNA expression of calcium and phosphorus transporters and claudins but compromise growth performance irrespective of microbial phytase inclusion in broilers. Hu Y.X., van Harn, J., Hendriks, W.H., van Baal, J., Dijkslag, M.A., van Krimpen, M.M. and Bikker, P. 2021. Poultry Science, 100(12), 101488
- Nutritional approaches to reduce or prevent feather pecking in laying hens: any potential to intervene during rearing? Mens, A.J.W., M.M. Van Krimpen, and R.P. Kwakkel. World's Poultry Science Journal 76.3 (2020): 591-610
- Final 9th paper extended with 13C glucose measurements and available in draft form.
- 8th paper of Kelly Nichols’s PhD work recently accepted for publication.
- Results of 2nd trial have been shared with VDN and available in the form of Tables for publication. First draft publication available.
- Results of 1st trial (BF4F & F4F financed) published by S. van Gastelen, J. Dijkstra, K. Nichols, A. Bannink. 2021.
- Abomasal infusion of ground corn and ammonium chloride in early lactating Holstein-Friesian dairy cows to induce hindgut and metabolic acidosis. Journal of Dairy Science, in press
- Coarse limestone does not alleviate the negative effect of a low Ca/P ratio diet on characteristics of tibia strength and growth performance in broilers. Hu, Y.X., P. Bikker, M. Duijster, W. H. Hendriks, J. van Baal, and M. M. van Krimpen. 2020. Poultry Science 99; 4978-4989
- Nutritional approaches to reduce or prevent feather pecking in laying hens: any potential to intervene during rearing? Mens, A.J.W., M.M. van Krimpen and R.P. Kwakkel. 2020. World’s Poultry Science Journal. DOI: 10.1080/00439339.2020.1772024
- Nutrient Cycle Assessment Tool: A tool for dialogue and ex ante evaluation of policy interventions aiming at closing nutrient cycles in agriculture. Bremmer, B., F. Leenstra, Th. Vellinga, 2020. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life SciencesNutrient Cycle Assessment Tool: A tool for dialogue and ex ante evaluation of policy interventions aiming at closing nutrient cycles in agriculture. Bremmer, B., F. Leenstra, Th. Vellinga, 2020. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences
- Applying a mechanistic fermentation and digestion model for dairy cows with emission and nutrient cycling inventory and accounting methodology. Bannink, A., R.L.G. Zom, K.C. Groenestein, J. Dijkstra, L.B.J. Sebek. 2020. Animal 14(S2): s406-s416.
- "Nutritional approaches to reduce or prevent feather pecking in laying hens: any potential to intervene during rearing?." Mens, A.J.W., M.M. Van Krimpen, and R.P. Kwakkel. World's Poultry Science Journal 76.3 (2020): 591-610.
- Modelling digestion kinetics in pigs. Predicting nutrient absorption based on diet and ingredient properties? Schop, M. 2020. PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands
- Impact of post-ruminally infused macronutrients on bovine mammary gland expression of genes involved in fatty acid synthesis, energy metabolism, and protein synthesis measured in RNA isolated from milk fat. Nichols, K., Bannink, A., van Baal, J., Dijkstra J. 2020. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnol 11, 53
- Mammary gland amino acid utilization in dairy cattle is affected more by exogenous glucose than by long-chain fatty acids at low and high metabolizable protein levels Nichols, K.; Bannink, A.; Doelman, J.; Dijkstra, J. (2019). Journal of Dairy Science, submitted.
- Energy and nitrogen balance of dairy cattle as affected by provision of different essential amino acid profiles at the same metabolizable protein supply Nichols, K.; Bannink, A.; Dijkstra, J. (2019) Journal of Dairy Science, submitted.
- Mammary gland amino acid metabolism of dairy cattle is flexible in response to postruminal infusion of different essential amino acid profiles Nichols, K.; Dijkstra, J.; Gerrits, W.J.J.; Bannink, A. (2019) Journal of Dairy Science, under review by VDN.
- Whole-body and mammary gland metabolism in dairy cattle [Impact of postabsorptive energetic substrates and amino acid profiles] Nichols, K. (2019) PhD Thesis Wageningen University, submitted
- Are dietary strategies to mitigate enteric methane emission equally effective across dairy cattle, beef cattle, and sheep? Van Gastelen, S.; Dijkstra, J.; Bannink, A. (2019). Journal of Dairy Science, revision submitted
- Providing an inadequate phosphorus diet in the neonatal phase of broilers does not improve phosphorus efficiency in later life. S.K. Kar, E. Willems, J. van Harn, J. van Baal, and M.M. van Krimpen. Submitted, Poultry Science.
- Whole-body and mammary gland metabolism in dairy cattle: impact of postabsorptive energetic substrates and amino acid profiles. Nichols, K. (2019). Wageningen University. PhD thesis.
- Rumen sensors: data and interpretation for key rumen metabolic processes: Biosensors and Big data management. Dijkstra, J., van Gastelen, S., Dieho, K., Nichols, K. E., & Bannink, A. (2019). Advances in Animal Biosciences, 10(3), 376-376.
- Mammary gland metabolite utilization in response to exogenous glucose or long-chain fatty acids at low and high metabolizable protein levels. Nichols, K., Bannink, A., Doelman, J. & Dijkstra, J., Aug 2019, In : Journal of Dairy Science. 102, 8, p. 7150-7167
- Mammary gland utilization of amino acids and energy metabolites differs when dairy cow rations are isoenergetically supplemented with protein and fat. Nichols, K., van Laar, H., Bannink, A. & Dijkstra, J., Feb 2019, In : Journal of Dairy Science. 102, 2, p. 1160-1175
- Expression of genes related to energy metabolism and the unfolded protein response in dairy cow mammary cells is affected differently during dietary supplementation with energy from protein and fat. Nichols, K., Dijkstra, J., van Laar, H., Kim, J. J. M., Cant, J. P. & Bannink, A., Jul 2019, In : Journal of Dairy Science. 102, 7, p. 6603-6613
- Energy and nitrogen partitioning in dairy cows at low or high metabolizable protein levels is affected differently by postrumen glucogenic and lipogenic substrates. Nichols, K., Dijkstra, J., van Laar, H., Pacheco, S., van Valenberg, H. J. F. & Bannink, A., 1 Jan 2019, In : Journal of Dairy Science. 102, 1, p. 395-412.
- Energy and nitrogen balance of dairy cattle as affected by provision of different essential amino acid profiles at the same metabolizable protein supply. Nichols, K., Bannink, A. & Dijkstra, J., Oct 2019, In : Journal of Dairy Science. 102, 10, p. 8963-8976
- Related output (no direct deliverable of the project): Invited review: Nitrogen in ruminant nutrition: A review of measurement techniques. Hristov, A. N., Bannink, A., Crompton, L. A., Huhtanen, P., Kreuzer, M., McGee, M., Nozière, P., Reynolds, C. K., Bayat, A. R., Yáñez-Ruiz, D. R., Dijkstra, J., Kebreab, E., Schwarm, A., Shingfield, K. J. & Yu, Z., Jul 2019, In : Journal of Dairy Science. 102, 7, p. 5811-5852
- Effect of low protein diets supplemented with free amino acids on growth performance, slaughter yield, litter quality, and footpad lesions of male broilers. van Harn J, Dijkslag MA, van Krimpen MM. Poultry Science, 2019 Oct 1;98(10):4868-4877. doi: 10.3382/ps/pez229
- A manuscript entitled ‘Coarse limestone cannot alleviate the negative effect of a low Ca/P ratio diet on bone quality and growth performance in broilers’ has been submitted to Poultry Science. An abstract of this study has also been submitted for publication at the World Poultry Conference in 2020.
- Increasing intake of dietary soluble nutrients affects digesta passage rate in the stomach of growing pigs. Schop, M., Jansman, A.J.M., De Vries, S. and Gerrits, W.J.J., 2019. British Journal of Nutrition, 121(5), pp.529-537.
- Increased diet viscosity by oat β-glucans decreases the passage rate of liquids in the stomach and affects digesta physicochemical properties in growing pigs. Schop, M., A.J.M. Jansman, S. de Vries and W.J.J. Gerrits (2019). Animal. doi:10.1017/S1751731119001824
- In vitro enzymatic protein hydrolysis kinetics of feed ingredients. Schop, M., S. de Vries, W.J.J. Gerrits and A. J. M. Jansman (2019). Chapter 4 PhD thesis M. Schop.
- Modelling digestion and absorption kinetics of nutrients in growing pigs. Schop, M., A.J.M. Jansman, S. de Vries, J. L. Ellis and W.J.J. Gerrits (2019). Chapter 5 PhD thesis M. Schop.
- Energy and nitrogen partitioning in dairy cows at low or high metabolizable protein levels is affected differently by postrumen glucogenic and lipogenic substrates. Nichols, K. ; Dijkstra, J. ; Laar, H. van; Pacheco, Sara ; Valenberg, H.J.F. van; Bannink, A. (2019) Journal of Dairy Science 102 (1). - p. 395 - 412.
- Effect of low protein diets supplemented with free amino acids on growth performance, slaughter yield, litter quality, and footpad lesions of male broilers ; J. van Harn, M.A. Dijkslag, M.M. van Krimpen (2019) Poultry Science, [pez229]. https://doi.org/10.3382/ps/pez229
- Mammary gland utilization of amino acids and energy metabolites differs when dairy cow rations are isoenergetically supplemented with protein and fat Nichols, K. ; Laar, H. van; Bannink, A. ; Dijkstra, J. (2019) Journal of Dairy Science 102 (2). - p. 1160 - 1175
- Nichols, K.; Dijkstra, J.; Gerrits, W.J.J.; Bannink, A 2019. Essential amino acid profile of supplemental metabolizable protein affects mammary gland metabolism and whole-body glucose kinetics in dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 105, p 7354–7372.
- Nichols K. 2019. Whole-body and mammary gland metabolism in dairy cattle Impact of postabsorptive energetic substrates and amino acid profiles. PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands
- The repeatability of individual nutrient digestibility in pigs Ouweltjes, W. ; Verschuren, L.M.G. ; Pijlman, J. ; Bergsma, R. ; Schokker, D. ; Knol, E.F. ; Aar, P.J. van der; Molist, F. ; Calus, M.P.L. (2018) Livestock Science 207 . - p. 63 - 67.
- Feed and nitrogen efficiency are affected differently but milk lactose production is stimulated equally when isoenergetic protein and fat is supplemented in lactating dairy cow diets, Nichols, K. ; Bannink, A. ; Pacheco, S. ; Valenberg, H.J. van; Dijkstra, J. ; Laar, H. van (2018) Journal of Dairy Science 101 (9). - p. 7857 - 7870.
- Effect of nutritional interventions with quercetin, oat hulls, β-glucans, lysozyme and fish oil on performance and health status related parameters of broilers chickens. Torki, M., Schokker, D., Duijster-Lensing, M., Van Krimpen, M.M. Br Poult Sci. 2018 Jul 31:1-12
- Krimpen, M.M. van, M. Torki, D. Schokker (2017). Effects of rye inclusion in grower diets on immune competence-related parameters and performance in broilers. Poultry Science, Volume 96, Issue 9, 1 September 2017, Pages 3324–3337
- Marcel Hulst, Alfons Jansman, Ilonka Wijers, Arjan Hoekman, Stéphanie Vastenhouw, Marinus van Krimpen, Mari Smits and Dirkjan Schokker. Enrichment of in vivo transcription data from dietary intervention studies with in vitro data provides improved insight into gene regulation mechanisms in the intestinal mucosa - Genes & Nutrition Studying the relationship between genetics and nutrition in the improvement of human health 201712:11
- Dieho, K. (2017) Aspects of Rumen Adaptation in Dairy Cattle [morphological, functional, and gene expression changes of the rumen papillae and changes of the rumen microbiota during the transition period]. PhD Thesis Wageningen University.
- Dieho, K. ; Bogert, B. van den; Henderson, G. ; Bannink, A ; Ramiro-Garcia, J. ; Smidt, H. ; Dijkstra, J. (2017) The effect of supplemental concentrate fed during the dry period on morphological and functional aspects of rumen adaptation in dairy cattle during the dry period and early lactation. Journal of Dairy Science 100 (4). - p. 2695 - 2710.
- Dieho, K. ; Dijkstra, Jan ; Klop, G. ; Schonewille, J.T. ; Bannink, A. (2017) The effect of supplemental concentrate fed during the dry period on morphological and functional aspects of rumen adaptation in dairy cattle during the dry period and early lactation. Journal of Dairy Science 100 (1). - p. 343 - 356.
- Klop, G., S. van Laar-van Schuppen, W.F. Pellikaan, W.H. Hendriks, A. Bannink, J. Dijkstra. 2017. Changes in in vitro gas and methane production from rumen fluid from dairy cows during adaptation to feed additives in vivo. Animal (in press).
- Klop, G., J. Dijkstra, K. Dieho, W.H. Hendriks, A. Bannink. 2017. Enteric methane production in lactating dairy cows with continuous feeding of essential oils or rotational feeding of essential oils and lauric acid. Journal of Dairy Science (in press).
- Van Krimpen, M.M., M. Torki, D. Schokker. 2017. Effects of rye inclusion in grower diets on immune competence-related parameters and performance in broilers. Poult Sci 2017 pex152. doi: 10.3382/ps/pex152
- Macome, F.M., W.F. Pellikaan, J.Th. Schonewille, A. Bannink, H. van Laar, W.H. Hendriks, D. Warner, J.W. Cone. 2017. In vitro rumen gas and methane production of grass silages differing in plant maturity and nitrogen fertilisation, compared to in vivo enteric methane production. Submitted Animal Feed Science & Technology, submitted.
- Warner, D., G. Klop, B. Hatew, H. van Laar, A. Bannink, J. Dijkstra. 2017. Effects of grass silage quality and level of feed intake on enteric ethane production in lactating dairy cows, submitted.
- Bannink A., H.J. van Lingen, J.L. Ellis, J. France and J. Dijkstra. 2016. The contribution of mathematical modelling to the understanding of rumen metabolism. Frontiers Microbiology, submitted.
- Bannink A., D. Warner, B. Hatew, J.L. Ellis and J. Dijkstra. 2016. Quantifying effects of grassland management on enteric methane emission. Animal Production Science.
- Bikker, P.; Laar, H. van; Sips, V.; Walvoort, C.; Gerrits, W.J.J., 2016. Basal endogenous phosphorus losses in pigs are affected by both body weight and feeding level 94 (2016) 7 supplement 3. - ISSN 0021-8812 - p. 294 - 297.
- Bikker, P., C.M.C. van der Peet-Schwering, W.J.J. Gerrits, V. Sips, C. Walvoort and H. van Laar, 2016. Endogenous phosphorus losses in growing-finishing pigs and gestating sows. Manuscript accepted by Journal of Animal Science.
- Dieho, K. et al., 2016. Changes in rumen epithelium gene and protein expression during the transition period. Journal of Dairy Science, submitted.
- Dieho, K., A. Bannink, I.A.L. Geurts, J.T. Schonewille, G. Gort, J. Dijkstra. (2016) Morphological adaptation of rumen papillae during the dry period and early lactation as affected by rate of increase of concentrate allowance. Journal of Dairy Science 99, 2339 - 2352
- Dieho, K., J. Dijkstra, G. Klop, J.T. Schonewille, and A. Bannink. 2016. The effect of supplemental concentrate fed during the dry period on morphological and functional aspects of rumen adaptation during the dry period and early lactation. Submitted.
- Dieho, K., J. Dijkstra, J.T. Schonewille, A. Bannink (2016). Changes in ruminal volatile fatty acid production and absorption rate during the dry period and early lactation as affected by rate of increase of concentrate allowance. Journal of Dairy Science, submitted.
- Dijkstra, J. S. van Gastelen, E. C. Antunes-Fernandes, D. Warner, B. Hatew, G. Klop, S. C. Podesta, H. J. van Lingen, K. A. Hettinga and A. Bannink. 2016. Relationships between milk fatty acid profiles and enteric methane production in dairy cattle fed grass- or grass silage-based diets. Animal Production Science.
- Hammond, K. J., L.A. Crompton, A. Bannink, J. Dijkstra, D.R. Yáñez-Ruiz, P. O’Kiely, E. Kebreab, M.A. Eugenè, Z. Yu, K.J. Shingfield, A. Schwarm, A.N. Hristov, C.K. Reynolds. 2016. Review of current in vivo measurement techniques for quantifying enteric methane emission from ruminants. Animal Feed Science & Technology, in press.
- Hatew, B., A. Bannink, H. van Laar, L.H. de Jonge and J. Dijkstra. 2016. Increasing harvest maturity of whole-plant corn silage reduces methane emission of lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 99, 354–368.
- Klop, G. 2016. Low Emission Feed; using feed additives to decrease methane production in dairy cows. PhD Thesis Wageningen University, Wageningen.
- Klop, G., A. Bannink, K. Dieho, W.J.J. Gerrits, J. Dijkstra. 2016. Short communication: Using diurnal patterns of 13C enrichment of CO2 to evaluate the effects of nitrate and docosahexaenoic acid on fiber degradation in the rumen of lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 99, 7216-7220
- Klop G., B. Hatew, A. Bannink and J. Dijkstra. 2016. Feeding nitrate and docosahexaenoic acid affects enteric methane production and milk fatty acid composition in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, in press.
- Spek, W., J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink. 2016. Influence of milk urea concentration on fractional urea disappearance rate from milk to blood plasma in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(5), 3880 - 3888.
- Van Lingen, H.J., C.M. Plugge, J.G. Fadel, E. Kebreab, A. Bannink, J. Dijkstra. 2016. Thermodynamic driving force of hydrogen on rumen microbial metabolism: A theoretical investigation. Journal of Theoretical Biology, submitted.
- Warner, D., G. Klop, B. Hatew, S.C. Podesta, S. van Gastelen, H. van Laar, A. Bannink, and J. Dijkstra. (2016). Effect of nitrogen fertilisation rate and maturity of ryegrass silage on methane emission by lactating dairy cows. Animal 10, 34-43.
- Induced lung inflammation and dietary protein supply affect nitrogen retention and amino acid, Kampman-van de Hoek, E. ; Sakkas, P. ; Gerrits, W.J.J. ; Borne, J.J.G.C. van den; Peet-Schwering, C.M.C. van der; Jansman, A.J.M. (2015), British Journal of Nutrition 113 (3). - p. 414 - 425.
- Network analysis of temporal functionalities of the gut induced by perturbations in new-born piglets. Benis N, Schokker D, Suarez-Diez M, Martins Dos Santos VA, Smidt H, Smits MA. BMC Genomics. 2015 Jul 29;16:556. doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-1733-8
- Early-life environmental variation affects intestinal microbiota and immune development in new-born piglets. Schokker D, Zhang J, Zhang LL, Vastenhouw SA, Heilig HG, Smidt H, Rebel JM, Smits MA. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 18;9(6):e100040. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100040. eCollection 2014.
- Early life microbial colonization of the gut and intestinal development differ between genetically divergent broiler lines. Schokker D, Veninga G, Vastenhouw SA, Bossers A, de Bree FM, Kaal-Lansbergen LM, Rebel JM, Smits MA. BMC Genomics. 2015 May 28;16:418. doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-1646-6
- Long-lasting effects of early-life antibiotic treatment and routine animal handling on gut microbiota composition and immune system in pigs. Schokker D, Zhang J, Vastenhouw SA, Heilig HG, Smidt H, Rebel JM, Smits MA. PLoS One. 2015 Feb 6;10(2):e0116523. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116523. eCollection 2015.
- Relationship between in vitro and in vivo methane production measured simultaneously with different dietary starch sources and starch levels in dairy cattle, Hatew, B. ; Cone, J.W. ; Pellikaan, W.F. ; Podesta, S.C. ; Bannink, A. ; Hendriks, W.H. ; Dijkstra, J. (2015), Animal Feed Science and Technology 202 . - p. 20 - 31.
- Effect of nitrogen fertilization rate and regrowth interval of grass herbage on methane emission of zero-grazing lactating dairy cows, Warner, D. ; Podesta, S.C. ; Hatew, B. ; Klop, G. ; Laar, H. van; Bannink, A. ; Dijkstra, J. (2015), Journal of Dairy Science 98 (5). - p. 3383 - 3393
- Effects of dietary starch content and rate of fermentation on methane production in lactating dairy cows, Hatew, B. ; Podesta, S.C. ; Laar, H. van; Pellikaan, W.F. ; Ellis, J.L. ; Dijkstra, J. ; Bannink, A. (2015), Journal of Dairy Science 98 (1). - p. 486 - 499.
- Hatew, B. 2015. Low Emission Feed; Opportunities to mitigate enteric methane production of dairy cows. PhD Thesis Wageningen University, Wageningen.
- L. Šebek, M. de Haan en A. Bannink (2014) Methaanemissie op het melkveebedrijf. Impactanalyse voor reductiemaatregelen en doorrekening daarvan in de Kringloopwijzer
- Hatew, B., S. C. Podesta, H. van Laar, W. F. Pellikaan, J. L. Ellis, J. Dijkstra, and A. Bannink. (2014). Effects of dietary starch content and rate of fermentation on methane production in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science
- Hatew, B., J.W. Cone, W.F. Pellikaan, S.C. Podesta, A. Bannink, W.H. Hendriks, J. Dijkstra. (2014). Relationship between in vitro and in vivo rumen methane production, measured simultaneously with different starch sources and starch levels, submitted.
- Heeren, J.A.H., Podesta, S.C., Hatew, B., Klop, G., van Laar, H., Bannink, A., Warner, D., de Jonge, L.H. & Dijkstra, J. (2014). Rumen degradation characteristics of ryegrass herbage and ryegrass silage are affected by interactions between stage of maturity and nitrogen fertilisation rate. Animal Production Science 54, 1263-1267.
- Warner, D., S. C. Podesta, B. Hatew, G. Klop, H. van Laar, A. Bannink, and J. Dijkstra. (2014). Effect of nitrogen fertilization and regrowth interval of grass herbage on methane emission of zero-grazing lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, in revision.
- Warner, D., G. Klop, B. Hatew, S.C. Podesta, S. van Gastelen, H. van Laar, A. Bannink, and J. Dijkstra. (2014). Effect of nitrogen fertilisation rate and maturity of ryegrass silage on methane emission by lactating dairy cows, in prep.
- Berends, H., Gerrits, W.J.J., France, J., Ellis, J.L., van Zijderveld, S.M. & Dijkstra, J. (2014). Evaluation of the SF6 tracer technique for estimating methane emission rates with reference to dairy cows using a mechanistic model. Journal of Theoretical Biology 353, 1-8.
- Ellis, J.L., J. Dijkstra A. Bannink, E. Kebreab, S. Archibeque, C. Benchaar , K. A. Beauchemin, J. D. Nkrumah and J. France. (2014). Prediction of methane production in feedlot beef cattle within a mechanistic digestion model. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 94: 509-524.
- Early-life environmental variation affects intestinal microbiota and immune development in new-born piglets. Schokker D, Zhang J, Zhang LL, Vastenhouw SA, Heilig HG, Smidt H, Rebel JM, Smits MA. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 18;9(6):e100040. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100040. eCollection 2014.
- The role of antibiotics for a balanced immune system. Smits MA, Jansman AJ, Savelkoul HF, Rebel AJ. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd. 2014 Jun 1;139(6):22-6.
- Kebreab E., L. Tedeschi, J. Dijkstra, J.L. Ellis, A. Bannink and J. France. 2015. Modeling Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Enteric Fermentation. In: Synthesis and Modeling of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Storage in Agricultural and Forest Systems to Guide Mitigation and Adaptation, Ed E. Kebreab. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America.
- Reynolds, C.K. Humphries, D.J., Van Vuuren, A.M. , Dijkstra, J., Bannink, A. 2014. Considerations for feeding starch to high yielding dairy cows In: Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition. Eds. Garnsworthy, P.C, Wiseman, J., Packington, UK, Context Products Ltd, p.27-47.
- Bannink, A., Ellis, J.L., Mach, N., Spek, J.W., Dijkstra, J. (2013). Interactions between enteric methane and nitrogen excretion in dairy cows/ Advances in Animal Bioscience Advances in Animal Biosciences / Volume 4 / Supplement s1 / September 2013, pp 19-27. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S2040470013000277
- Bannink, A., Ellis, J.L., Mach, N., Spek, J.W., Dijkstra, J. (2013). Interactions between enteric methane and nitrogen excretion in dairy cows. Advances in Animal Bioscience, 4(s1), September 2013, pp 19-27.
- Berghof, T.V., Parmentier, H.K., Lammers, A. (2013) Transgenerational epigenetic effects on innate immunity in broilers: an underestimated field to be explored? Poult Sci. 2013 Nov;92(11):2904-13
- Dijkstra, J., Oenema, O., Groenigen, J.W. van, Spek, J.W., Vuuren, A.M. van, Bannink, A. (2013). Diet effects on urine composition of cattle and N20 emissions. Animal 7(s2), June 2013, pp 292-302.
- Dijkstra, J., Reynolds, C.K., Kebreab, E., Bannink, A., Ellis, J.L., France, J. & Van Vuuren, A.M. (2013). Challenges in ruminant nutrition: towards minimal nitrogen losses in cattle. In Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition in Sustainable Animal Production, pp. 47-58 [J.W. Oltjen, E. Kebreab and H. Lapierre, eds]. Wageningen, the Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Gerber, P.J., Hristov, A.N., Henderson, B., Makkar, H., Oh, J., Lee, C., Meinen, R., Montes, F., Ott, T., Firkins, J., Rotz, A., Dell, C., Adesogan, A.T., Yang, W.Z., Tricarico, J.M., Kebreab, E., Waghorn, G., Dijkstra, J. & Oosting, S. (2013). Technical options for the mitigation of direct methane and nitrous oxide emissions from livestock: a review. Animal 7(s2), pp. 220-234.
- Hristov, A.N., Oh, J., Lee, C., Meinen, R., Montes, F., Ott, T., Firkins, J., Rotz, A., Dell, C., Adesogan, C., Yang, W., Tricarico, J., Kebreab, E., Waghorn, G., Dijkstra, J. & Oosting, S.J. (2013). Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in livestock production - A review of technical options for non-CO2 emissions. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper, (ISSN 0254-6019), 177.
- Hristov, A.N., Ott, T., Tricarico, J., Rotz, A., Waghorn, G., Adesogan, A.T., Dijkstra, J., Montes, F., Oh, J., Kebreab, E., Oosting, S.J., Gerber, P.J., Henderson, B.L., Makkar, H.P.S.& Firkins, J. (2013). Mitigation of methane and nitrous oxide emissions from animal operations: III. A review of animal management mitigation options. Journal of Animal Science, (ISSN 0021-8812), 91(11), 5095-5113.
- Montes, F., Meinen, R., Dell, C., Rotz, A., Hristov, A.N., Oh, J., Waghorn, G., Gerber, P.J., Henderson, B.L., Makkar, H.P.S. & Dijkstra, J. (2013). Mitigation of methane and nitrous oxide emissions from animal operations: II. A review of manure management mitigation options. Journal of Animal Science, (ISSN 0021-8812), 91(11), 5070-5094
- Hristov, A.N., Oh, J., Firkins, J., Dijkstra, J., Kebreab, E., Waghorn, G., Makkar, H.P.S., Adesogan, A.T., Yang, W., Lee, C., Gerber, P.J., Henderson, B.L. & Tricarico, J.M. (2013). Mitigation of methane and nitrous oxide emissions from animal operations: I. A review of enteric methane mitigation options. Journal of Animal Science, (ISSN 0021-8812), 91(11), 5045-5069.
- Van Emous, R.A., Kwakkel, R.P., Krimpen M.M. van, & Hendriks, W.H. (2013) Effects of growth patterns and dietary crude protein levels during rearing on body composition and performance in broiler breeder females during the rearing and laying period. Poult Sci. 2013 Aug;92(8):2091-100.
- Van Emous, R.A., Kwakkel, R.P., Krimpen M.M. van, & Hendriks, W.H. (2013) Effects of growth pattern and dietary protein level during rearing on feed intake, eating time/rate, behavior, plasma corticosterone levels, and feather cover in broiler breeder females during the rearing and laying period. Applied Animal Behaviour Science (submitted).
- “Pluimveehouderij” nummer 5, 19 april 2013, jaargang 43. Van Emous R.A., M.M. van Krimpen en R.P. Kwakkel. Minder eiwit, goed gedrag
- Varkens voeren op basis van gezondheidsstatus. Veehouder & Veearts, dec. 2013.
- J.W. Spek, J. Dijkstra, G. van Duinkerken, W.H. Hendriks, and A. Bannink (2013). Prediction of urinary nitrogen and urinary urea nitrogen excretion by lactating dairy cattle in Northwestern Europe and North America: A meta-analysis .Journal of Dairy Science 96 (7): 4310–4322.
- Spek, J.W.; Bannink, A.; Gort, G.; Hendriks, W.H.; Dijkstra, J. (2013). Interaction between dietary content of protein and sodium chloride on milk urea concentration, urinary urea excretion, renal recycling of urea, and urea transfer to the gastrointestinal tract in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 96 (9). - p. 5734 - 5745.
- Spek, J.W.; Dijkstra, J.; Duinkerken, G. van; Bannink, A. (2013). A review of factors influencing milk urea concentration and its relationship with urinary urea excretion in lactating dairy cattle (Online first). Journal of Agricultural Science.
- Spek, J.W., Dijkstra, J., Bannink, A. (2013). Influence of urea level and urea transfer from milk to blood in dairy cows.
- Spek, J.W. (2013). Variation of milk urea in dairy cattle : a study on factors that affect the relationship between urea concentration in milk and urea excretion in urine. WUR Wageningen UR. Promotor(en): Hendriks, prof.dr.ir. W.H., co-promotor(en): Dijkstra, dr.ir. J.; Bannink, dr. A.. - [S.l. : s.n.], - p. 156.
- Ali, M. Rumen fermentation profile and intestinal digestibility of maize and grass silages. PhD thesis, Wageningen University, sep 2013.
Conference contributions
- Van Helvoort M., P. Bikker. 2023. Bakery products and legume seeds in the diet of growing-finishing pigs. Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Lyon, France, p. 464
- van Harn, J., H. Berman, M.A. Dijkslag and A.J.M. Jansman. Growth performance of fast and slow growing broilers on circular diets. Poster. 23rd European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition (ESPN), Rimini, Italy.
- van Harn, J., A. Rezaei Far, M. M. van Krimpen and J. Phuc. 2023. Laying hens performance on low protein diets supplemented with free amino acids. Poster. 23rd European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition (ESPN), Rimini, Italy.
- Royer E., P. Pluk, J. De Laat, G. Binnendijk, K. Goris and P. Bikker. 2023. Impact on environment and performance of the replacement of soybean meal in post-weaning pig diets. Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Lyon, France, p. 846.
- Jansman, A.J.M., A. Mens, E. Willems, M. van Krimpen. 2023. Improvement of protein digestibility by changing digesta passage kinetics in broilers. 23rd European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition (ESPN), Rimini, Italy.
- Schop, M., A. J. M. Jansman, S. de Vries, J. L. Ellis, H. Nguyen-Ba, and W. J. J. Gerrits. 2022. Simulating Nutrient digestion and Absorption kinetics in PIGs based on diet and ingredient properties: SNAPIG. 15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs (DPP). Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Rodehutscord, M. and P. Bikker. 2022. Phytate degradation, P and Ca absorption and digestibility in pigs. 15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs (DPP). Rotterdam, The Netherlands. keynote paper.
- Rijpert J.H.M., H. Nguyen-Ba, A.J.M. Jansman, A. Bannink, and W.J.J. Gerrits. 2022. Behavioural analysis of the fasting substrate conversion for energy utilization in growing pigs using within-day kinetics in the DyNAMPig model. Animal - science proceedings, Volume 13, Issue 4, September 2022, p. 526-527
- P. Bikker, A. J. M. Jansman. 2022. Composition and utilization of animal feed in the context of circular food production systems. Animal - science proceedings, Volume 13, Issue 4, September 2022, p. 526-527. invited keynote
- M. Schop, A. J. M. Jansman, S. de Vries, J. L. Ellis, A. Bannink, H. Nguyen-Ba and W. J. J. Gerrits. 2022. SNAPIG: a model to study nutrient digestion and absorption kinetics of growing pigs based on diet and ingredient properties. 10th Workshop “Modelling Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals (MODNUT)”. Sardinia, Italy.
- Kar S.K., M.F.W. te Pas, A.J.M. Jansman, Leo Kruijt, J.J.M. Vervoort, D. Schokker. 2022. Fecal metabolite profiles as indicator for farm sanitary condition in growing pigs. 15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs (DPP). Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Jansman, A.J.M., R.G.J.A. Verheijen, G.P. Binnendijk, C.M.C. van der Peet-Schwering. 2022. Fecal nutrient digestibility in growing-finishing pigs kept under low and high sanitary conditions. 15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs (DPP). Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Jansman, A.J.M., C.M.C. van der Peet-Schwering, R.G.J.A. Verheijen, G.P. Binnendijk. Adjustment of dietary energy and essential amino acid levels in growing pigs kept under different sanitary conditions. 7th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition(ISEP) , Granada, Spain.
- Hu, Y., J. van Baal, J.W. Resink, P. Bikker. 2022. Dietary calcium supplementation reduces phosphorous absorption and causes a shift from transcellular to paracellular Ca absorption in pigs. 15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs (DPP). Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Bikker, P., J. Fledderus, M. van Helvoort. 2022. Impact of calcium content and calcium to phosphorous ratio in diets for weaned pigs. 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Porto, Portugal.
- Bikker, P., A. Mens, Y. Hu. 2022. Synchronisation of calcium and phosphorous supply influences phosphorous digestion and post-absorptive utilisation in growing pigs. 15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs (DPP). Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Schop, M., A.J.M. Jansman, S. de Vries, J.L. Ellis and W.J.J. Gerrits (2020). SNAPIG: predicting nutrient digestion kinetics in pigs based on diet and ingredient properties. Abstract 71st EAAP 2020, Porto, Portugal (December 2020).
- Hu, Y.X. P. Bikker, M. Duijster, W.H. Hendriks, J. van Baal, and M.M. van Krimpen (2020). Coarse limestone improves distal ileal phosphate digestibility but does not alleviate the negative effect of a low dietary Ca/P ratio on tibia breaking strength in broilers. Abstract World Poultry Congress 2021 toevoegen
- Dijkstra, J., van Gastelen, S., Dieho, K., Nichols, K. E., & Bannink, A. Rumen sensors: data and interpretation for key rumen metabolic processes: Biosensors and Big data management. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (ISRP), 3-6 September 2019, Leipzig, Germany.
- Bikker, P., Y. Hu, J. van Baal, A. Mens, J.W. Resink, M. Rodehutscord, and M.M. van Krimpen. 2020. Kinetics of calcium and phosphorus absorption and utilisation in pigs and poultry. EAAP Annual Meeting 2020, invited ; book of abstracts page 589.
- Bikker, P., A. Liesegang, and J. van Baal. 2020. Calcium and P absorption and feed efficiency in weaned pigs is reduced by low P intake of the sows. EAAP Annual Meeting 2020; book of abstracts page 537.
- Van Gastelen, S., Dijkstra, J., Nichols, K.E., & Bannink, A. (2019). Abomasal infusion of ground corn and anions in early lactating Holstein-Friesian cows to induce hindgut and metabolic acidosis. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 10(3), 455-455. Abstract in Proc. Xiiith Int. Symp. Ruminant Phys.
- van Gastelen S., Dijkstra J., Nichols K., Bannink A. 2019. Abomasal infusion of ground corn and anions in early lactating Holstein-Friesian cows to induce hindgut and metabolic acidosis. In: Advances in Animal Biosciences. 10, 3, p. 455-45.
- Stockhofe-Zurwieden N., Astrid de Greeff, Lisette Ruuls, Stéphanie Vastenhouw, Dirkjan Schokker, Mari Smits, Eelke van der Wal, Peter Mölder, Alfons Jansman. 2019. Effects of milk replacer composition on gut and lung health and performance in veal calves. 17th International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals (ICPD) - Bern, Switzerland
- Keanthao, P., RMA Goselink, JT Schonewille, J Dijkstra, WH Hendriks, 2019. Effect of phosphorus intake during the transition period on plasma phosphorus content and hypocalcemia in dairy cows. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Production Disease in farm animals.
- Hu, Y.X., M.M. van Krimpen, J.W. Resink, W.H. Hendriks, J. van Baal, P. Bikker. Effect of dietary Ca content and microbial phytase inclusion on Ca and P absorption and retention in growing pigs (abstract WIAS science day).
- Dijkstra, J.; Gastelen, S. van; Dieho, K.; Nichols, K.E.; Bannink, A. 2019. Rumen sensors: data and interpretation for key rumen metabolic processes : Biosensors and Big data management. Proceedings 13th International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (ISRP 2019), Leipzig
- Bikker, Paul. Presentation at the SFT Annual Pig Conference 2019, 7-11-2019 (UK). Calcium and Phosphorus in pigs: requirements and recommendations
- Bikker, Paul. Presentation at SFR symposium Nutrition in Transition (June 2019). Amino acid requirements of growing pigs in relation to farm conditions.
- Veldkamp T., Alfons Jansman, Theo Schamp, Jan van Harn, Ruud Dekker. 2015. Effect of iso-energetic exchange of dietary fat and starch on the growth performance and body composition of broilers. In: Proceedings 20th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition, ID 164, p. 138
- Nicolaiciuc C.V., T.G. Hulshof, R. Dekker, P. Bikker. 2014. Effects of different levels of phosphorus in pig diets on bone characteristics and ash contents of metacarpus III and IV. , Oral presentatie (3 april) op ANR-forum (2p-abstract). 39th Animal Nutrition Research (ANR) Forum, Utrecht, The Netherlands
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