Harmonisatie van blootstellingsmethodieken in de centrale zone (gekoppeld aan lopend onderzoek)
One of the basic principles of the Regulation 1107/2009 was increasing harmonisation of national risk assessment methodologies within the zone centre (letter to Dutch parliament 27 858, nr 310); this would lead to a more level playing field for the business world between the member states and to a more efficient risk assessment procedure. Since 2009 this harmonisation has not been successful with respect to the exposure of aquatic organisms and groundwater. According to industry the workload for the national exposure assessments in the zone centre has increased drastically over the past 10 years.
Thus, the aim of the project is to explore how harmonisation of exposure of aquatic organisms and groundwater within the zone centre can be improved in the coming years.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs will explore whether support can be found within the zone centre to improve this harmonisation. If this support can indeed be found, a workshop will be organised in the second half of 2017 in Wageningen with the aim to exchange views on the different national approaches for the exposure of aquatic organisms and groundwater in the zone centre. In the years thereafter workshops could follow at other locations in which the feasibility of harmonised approaches could be explored and possible implementation of harmonised approaches could be filled in.