Assessment criteria for Horizon Europe missions published
At the beginning of March, the European Commission published a list of criteria to assess the viability of the proposed missions. There are currently five missions in preparation: cancer, adaptation to climate change including societal transformation, healthy oceans, seas coastal and inland waters, climate-neutral and smart cities, and soil health and food. The detailed preparations for the missions began in November 2020, and will last ultimately one year before the Commission will assess the plans with detailed actions, investment strategy and performance indicators, against this set of criteria:
- Assess added value;
- Assess if the mission has clear research and innovation content;
- Assess buy-in;
- Assess if the mission’s goal is ambitious, yet realistic, measurable and time bound;
- Assess if implementation plan is feasible;
- Assess budget.
The Missions, are, together with the Partnerships, a new key assest in the Horzion Europe Framework Programme. Both are important in tackling the societal challenges and will support the European Policies and Strategies.
More information can be found at the dedicated EC webpages.