BENTHIS Newsletter February 2015
The second edition of the e-newsletter about the BENTHIS project of February 2015 can be downloaded here.
The e-newsletter is free and available to all those interested in our research and activities. You can also pass this Newsletter on to others who may be interested. They can subscribe to this newsletter and automatically receive the next issue.
Topics in this edition:
- High-resolution mapping of European fishing pressure
- Hot spots and hot times: new insights in the impact of bottom trawling
- Trawling impact is habitat dependent
- Quantifying recovery rates and resilience of seabed habitats impacted by bottom fishing
- Winners and losers under fishery pressure: a biological traits approach
- Impact of fishing gear: how big are the footprints of trawls and dredges?
- Sediment remobilisation governed by hydrodynamic drag and not by weight of the gear
- Otter trawling: good or bad for flatfish and Norwegian lobster in the Kattegat?
- Traps in the Aegean Sea: alternatives for trawling?
- SPI on board
- Testing novel otterboards for the Mediterranean
- Effects of chronic bottom fishing on ecosystem functioning in the Irish Sea
- Mitigation of effect of towed fishing gears in the Black Sea
Please forward the newsletter to interested colleagues.