CAT-AgroFood invests in a High Performance Computing cluster
The developments in the field of genomics - such as Next Generation Sequencing – are fast. This results in a huge increase of generated data. The processing of this data requires a large computing and storage capacity. Therefore, CAT-AgroFood, the shared facilities part of Wageningen UR, invests in a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. The system has just been ordered and will, according to schedule, be in use at the end of this year.
Joining forces
Breed4Food, a consortium of animal breeding companies (CRV, Hendrix Genetics, TOPIGS, Cobb Europe) and the Animal Breeding and Genomics Centre of Wageningen UR, is initiator of the HPC cluster. Joining forces, all partners gain access to a state-of-the-art computing facility for research and application of genomics information. Breed4Food expects that the presence of the HPC cluster in Wageningen will result, next to the primary use, in more collaboration and interaction between different disciplines and sectors in for instance the development and implementation of software applications, services & support.
Available for all
The HPC cluster will be available for researchers of Wageningen UR as well as for researchers of other knowledge institutes and companies. Options for expanding the system in the future to meet the (growing) demands of the users have been taken into account while purchasing the cluster. The cluster will have 900 cores and a data storage capacity of 500 TBytes. The location will be on the Wageningen campus.
Website CAT-AgroFood