Engage with JPI Oceans' Strategy Framework
The Joint Programming Initiative on Oceans is starting the new decade with a revision of their strategy framework. New ideas and developments that have emerged since the adoption of the JPI Oceans 2015-2020 Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), will be used to adapt the existing design, vision and scope of JPI Oceans.
In order to make the revision process thorough and inclusive, the draft Strategy Framework is open for consultation since August 17th.
Feedback received through the survey will be analysed and consolidated by the JPI Oceans secretariat. This feedback, together with input from parallel national consultations, will be used to draft a revised version of the Strategy Framework that ultimately will be brought to the JPI Oceans Management Board for adoption later this year.
You can find the survey, which is open until September 21st, through the JPI Oceans website.