ERA CoBioTech third call for transnational research proposals open
The ERA-NET on biotechnologies invites joint research on ‘Bio-based replacement products, technologies and processes’, that focuses on sustainability throughout the entire value chain. Research projects are expected to facilitate the replacement of a specific product, technology or process which involves either fossil-based or other unsustainable feedstocks, or unsustainable industrial processes, such as intensive production methods. While projects should focus on research, they should also consider the potential route to future application or translation during the proposal preparation. With that in mind, the inclusion of industrial partners is strongly recommended, depending on the Technology Readiness Level of the project. At least nine funding organisations from BE, DE, EE, ES, FR, NO, SI, RU and TR are contributing to this single-stage call with an indicative budget of over EUR 7,3 million. Closing date for full proposals (single-stage) will be June 30th.
More information including the call documents are available via the CoBioTech website.