Exhibition "Exposed" - When Nature is Bound to our Rhythm of Light
The Exposed project consists of six visual experiments, in which Tessa van Rijn examines the effect of artificial light on the natural environment. In her photography, Tessa van Rijn takes an inquiring and critical look at the effects of urbanization and industrialization. The fractured relationship between man and his natural environment is a recurring theme in her work.
Light pollution is transforming our environment. As a side effect of urbanization, industrialization and the 24-hour economy, the intensity of light at night increases by on average 6% each year. It’s causing serious ecological problems everywhere, but especially in the US, Europe and Japan. Two-thirds of the world population, and 99% of the European and US population, now live in areas where pollution of the night sky by light is above average or worse.
Many nocturnal animals, in particular, have problems coping with the amount of light at night. It also interferes with the biological rhythm of people, affects the growth of plants and impedes astronomical observations.
To find out more about the impact of artificial light in the Netherlands, the ’LichtOpNatuur’ project was set up, led by Kamiel Spoelstra (NIOO-KNAW). In several locations in the Netherlands, natural habitats are experimentally illuminated in order to study how plants and animals react to light.
Documentary photographer Tessa van Rijn (The Hague, 1988) is currently in the process of graduating from the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. About a year ago, Tessa van Rijn moved to Delft, where she was soon confronted with a yellow glow across the night sky caused by the greenhouses in the area. The astonishing amount of light triggered her fascination for light pollution.
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NIOO, central hall, Droevendaalsesteeg 10, 6708 PB Wageningen
Monday - Friday 8:00-18:00 h