Kick-off research projects from joint call of three ERA-NETs
The three ERA-NETS FACCE ERA-GAS, SusAn and ICT-AGRI 2 held their projects kick-off meeting on the 18th of November. The eight projects funded, presented themselves and their project. All projects started in the period October 2019 – January 2020 and will run for three years. The projects all have a unique approach to the topic of the call: “Novel technologies, solutions and systems to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in animal production systems.” Novel technologies range from the use of blockchain, advanced modelling techniques, decision support systems and the use of new feed ingredients to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
At the meeting the coordinators of the three ERA-NETs gave a welcome and introduction. From the European Commission, Kerstin Rosenow, head of the Research and Innovation unit of DG AGRI gave a presentation about R&I as key enablers for the Farm to Fork Strategy. In a lively and well attended virtual meeting stakeholders were given the opportunity to participate and join the discussion.
Visit the FACCE ERA-GAS, SusAn and ICT-AGRI 2 websites for more information on the projects and the seminar.