Ga mee op Expeditie over Wageningen Campus en Business & Science Park
In juni wordt voor de 3e keer op rij de Wageningen Campus Expeditie georganiseerd! Heb je altijd al willen weten wat voor onderzoek er bij de verschillende organisaties en bedrijven op de Wageningen Campus en het Business & Science Park Wageningen (BSPW) wordt gedaan én wil je een kijkje nemen op deze interessante locaties die normaal gesproken alleen toegankelijk zijn voor eigen medewerkers? Ga dan mee op Expeditie!
Van maandag 10 t/m donderdag 20 juni a.s. openen diverse organisaties en bedrijven op de campus elk op één dag hun deuren tussen 12.00 – 14.00 uur.
Net als de voorgaande twee jaar zullen FrieslandCampina, Unilever, Aeres Hogeschool, Keygene, AgroCares, Upfield en het NIOO-KNAW hun deuren openstellen, maar we zijn ook blij met nieuwe enthousiaste deelnemers zoals Eurofins Agro en Water IQ. Ook kun je een aantal onderdelen van WUR bezoeken waar je anders wellicht niet mee in aanraking komt zoals het WANDER XR Experience Lab, UNLOCK Infrastructure for Microbiome Research en het vernieuwde AlgaePARC 2.0.
Het worden twee weken vol inspiratie en dat allemaal op onze campus. Een unieke kans om de Wageningen Campus écht te beleven en kennis te maken met andere partijen die hier gevestigd zijn.
Tot slot: op de laatste dag van de Expeditie, donderdag 20 juni, is er ’s middags en ‘s avonds een spetterend feest: Wageningen Campus Summervibes. Mis het niet!
Datum | Organisatie | Introduction |
Monday 10 June | Unilever Foods Innovation Centre | Join us at Hive during the Wageningen Campus Expedition to discover how we're leading food innovation for a brighter future. Delve into the behind-the-scenes of our cutting-edge facility, network for potential collaborations, and get a taste of what Hive has to offer. See you there! |
Tuesday 11 June | Aeres University of Applied Sciences | Rewilding Aeres schoolyards! We will show you our Citizen Science project carried out with students, focussing on biodiversity restoration looking at the relation between insects and vegetation. Join us on this interesting outdoor tour and learn about The Whole School Approach! |
Wednesday 12 June | NIOO-KNAW | Expect a short tour to NIOO’s highlights! From the green(blue) roof to the golden toilet of the building, and from the research on bluegreen algae to animal personality or the living soil. |
Thursday 13 June | Multi tenants in Plus Ultra I & II | We look forward to welcoming you to Plus Ultra Wageningen. Discover the two multi-tenant buildings where the thriving community of innovative organisations and like-minded professionals work together under one roof. We invite you to join one of the three routes we have created: a Green, Blue and Orange tour. You will find the companies on the three routes on the registration form. Will you be there? A smoothie will be waiting for you! More information about these three routes : Wageningen Campus Tour - Campus Tour Wageningen (foleon.com) |
Monday 17 June | FrieslandCampina Innovation Centre | At FrieslandCampina you can expect a short tour of our Innovation Center, a 3D-experience in our Experience Centre and a content contribution that highlights the daily practice of dairy innovation. |
Tuesday 18 June | AgroCares | AgroCares is bringing the lab to the field by using sensor technology, AI, calibration databases and a lot of IT stuff. Selling scanners and licenses under the brandnames of SoilCares, FeedCares and LeafCares. Available in more than 45 countries. Clients are for example Starbucks, Nutreco, Syngenta, Yara, Doktar, ATP and OCP. |
Eurofins Agro | Eurofins is the world leader in testing for life. Wageningen is home to the headquarter of Eurofins Agro, which consists of multiple agricultural laboratories in Europe and partners worldwide. Eurofins Agro contributes to healthy, viable and sustainable farming and growing, with a focus on soil, crop, water, compost and manure analyses. Visitors of the Wageningen Campus Expedition will learn about the work Eurofins Agro is undertaking, and have the opportunity to visit the physical laboratory. | |
KeyGene | "KeyGene is the go-to research company for the development and application of breakthrough technology innovation for crop improvement in for instance vegetables, fruits, ornamentals and industrial field crops. During the tour we will show you some of our research and technology innovation, such as DNA-technology, banana-research and seeds-wich-are-cuttings, in laboratory and greenhouse environments." | |
Wednesday 19 June | Upfield Food Science Centre | Upfield is the largest plant-based food company. Our purpose is to make people healthier and happier with nutritious and delicious, natural, plant-based food that is good for you and for our planet. Do you want to learn more about Upfield's plant-based butters, spreads, creams and cheese portfolio please join us in the Upfield Food Science and Experience Centre! |
Thursday 20 June | AlgaePARC 2.0 | "Think green think algae! Embark on a fascinating journey through our cutting-edge algae producing scale-up research facility, where science meets sustainability. Explore the intricate process of cultivating nutrient-rich algae at a pilot-scale, revolutionizing the future of food and feed production. Witness firsthand how innovation intertwines with nature to address global challenges, offering a glimpse into a greener, more nourished tomorrow. " |
Biodiversity tour | Biodiversity is important for all of us. Not only is it beautiful and nice to see many different species and habitats, but we all depend on the life around us for our food, health and climate. This is why the Wageningen Biodiversity Initiative (WBI) is organising a Biodiversity Challenge for the third time already: together we explore nature, count species and experience how important it is to protect biodiversity. Walk with us for 45 minutes to hear and see more about the biodiversity on our campus. | |
Food Safety Research (this tour will be in Dutch!) | "Een voedselcalamiteit? WFSR staat 24/7 paraat Denk je bij een grote brand aan Wageningen Food Safety Research? Nee? Na je bezoek zal dat anders zijn. Aan de hand van een grasmonster laten we zien hoe belangrijk onze analyses zijn tijdens een calamiteit." | |
Plant Genetic Resources | The genebank of the Centre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN) stores thousands of old landraces, modern varieties, wild populations and other specimen of our food crops. You’ll have the opportunity to see CGNs facilities, and hear about the reasons for conserving the material and the approaches for providing access to the raw material of all our food. | |
UNLOCK - Infrastructure for Microbiome Research | "Join us for a tour through our new state of the art Biodiscovery and Modular Bioreactor laboratories, meet our experts and find out more about our FAIR data management tools. More information: m-unlock.nl. " | |
WANDER XR Experience Lab | During the tour on 20 June, you will have the opportunity to explore virtual, augmented and mixed reality, collectively known as Extended Reality (XR). While these advanced technologies may not seem immediately related to science, they are already accessible for both education and research. With WUR's WANDER XR Experience Lab, there's now a hub for the application of XR in education and science. |