Ecosysteembenadering & voedselweb grote wateren
Dit project beoogt bij te dragen aan methodeontwikkeling om het effect van inrichting, beheer en gebruik op het voedselweb en de ecologische draagkracht van alle grote wateren tezamen beter te kunnen afwegen t.b.v. de besluitvorming in water- en natuurbeleid. Vernieuwend hierbij is dat we kennis over ecologische systeemanalyse toepasbaar maken op verschillende schaalniveaus: van ruimtelijke maatregelen en handelingsperspectieven op landschapsniveau tot effecten op lokale habitats en omliggend ruimte gebruik.
Central theme in the national and international policy for the riviers, lakes and estuaries in the Netherlands is the pursuit of robust, dynamic and resilient nature in synergy with other uses. In order to achieve this knowledge is required about the ecological functioning under the current and future conditions. This project aims to provide knowledge to assist policy makers and water managers to make decisions about interventions that have the intention to improve the ecological functioning.
The project makes in the first year an overview of available decision making frameworks, scientific concepts in the field of foodwebs, system and population ecology. Ideas from Freshwater and Marine Ecolgy are combined. Between 2022-2024 the project will develop a landscape broad decision making framework based upon ecosystem characteristics such as structure, substances ad species, inspired by systems thinking.