Frequently asked questions about Food Loss and Waste – answered by our team of experts!

In this section, we provide a summary of frequently asked questions that are often addressed to us. Our team of experts responds to these inquiries. In many cases, if you would like to learn more, we offer a link that takes you directly to one of our tools, providing you with more in-depth information.

What is FLW?

FLW stands for Food Loss and Waste. Food Loss and Waste (FLW) are food products that are discarded in the food chain and are given a certain destination. These can be whole food products, or parts of the product. FLW span from production and processing to distribution and consumption. For more detailed information, please visit our
dedicated section on FLW definitions.

What is the difference between Food Loss and Food Waste?

‘Food Loss’ occurs during the production, post-harvest, and processing stages of the food supply chain, leading to a decrease in the quantity or quality of food. On the other hand, ‘Food Waste’ refers to the discarding or disposal of food at the retail and consumer levels. In essence, food loss happens earlier in the supply chain, while food waste occurs closer to the point of consumption. For more detailed information, please visit our dedicated section on FLW definitions.

What is the difference between Postharvest Losses (PHL) and Food Loss and Waste (FLW)?

The key difference between Postharvest Losses (PHL) and Food Loss and Waste (FLW) lies in the stages of the food supply chain they cover. PHL refers to losses that happen right after a crop is harvested and continue until the food reaches the retail stage. This includes losses during handling, storage, and transportation. FLW commonly includes everything from food production to consumption. It covers losses occurring at the production and postharvest stages (food loss), as well as food discarded at retail and consumer levels (food waste). However, the definition of FLW can vary depending on the source or context. For more detailed information on the different definitions of Food Loss and Waste, please visit our Food Loss Solutions Background and Definitions page.

I have already implemented many sustainable agriculture practices, hold a GLOBALG.A.P. certificate, and comply with various other sustainability standards. Why should I still focus on reducing Food Loss and Waste?

Even though you implemented sustainable agriculture practices and are GLOBALG.A.P. certified, reducing Food Loss and Waste (FLW) remains crucial. Over 30% of food produced globally is wasted each year, which not only threatens food security but also has a huge environmental impact. FLW accounts for 8–10% of global Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGEs), wastes a quarter of all freshwater used in agriculture, and occupies 4.4 million km² of land for food that never reaches consumers. By reducing FLW, you maximise the benefits of your sustainable practices, improve resource efficiency, reduce costs, and contribute to further environmental gains, strengthening your overall sustainability efforts.

How can Food Loss and Waste (FLW) be minimized, and where should I start in reducing FLW?

Minimizing FLW can be achieved by following the Target-Measure-Act approach. This structured method helps organizations set specific reduction targets, measure current waste, and implement effective actions. Our website offers all the tools and resources necessary to guide you through this process.

To begin, explore our FLW Intervention Design CANVAS here, which will help you map out your plan for reducing FLW. Start by assessing your supply chain to identify where key losses occur, uncover the root causes, and set clear FLW reduction goals.

Our CANVAS can assist you in identifying how to commence FLW reduction and what pieces of information you may still be missing before designing an effective reduction strategy. The CANVAS will also assist you in identifying the appropriate processes or tools to gain further insights and uncover the missing information

To achieve the most significant impact across multiple criteria, which food product should I prioritize for reducing FLW?

In our global hotspot analysis and within our four-country factsheets, we provide detailed insights on the food products that offer the greatest impact based on specific objectives. The optimal focus varies between countries and depends on the set objectives. For a comprehensive understanding, we recommend exploring the specifics outlined in our tools.

How can I quantify the amount of Food Loss and Waste (FLW) in my operation?

You can use our Quantification tool to select a method to quantify FLW reduction. Several aspects are important to consider. It is important that the definition of FLW is clear to all people involved. FLW quantification should cover all lost or discard food in the operation. For instance, in a factory, next to process line losses it must include quality rejects at arrival of raw materials and rejects occurring in the distribution phase. Furthermore, the measurement period should be representative for the operation.

Does my intervention to reduce Food Loss and Waste (FLW) in the supply chain contribute positively to the food security of farmers who produce the raw material?

In principle, reducing FLW increases the available food supply. Thus, from a global perspective, this notion holds true, and theoretically, by minimizing FLW, we could meet the demands of the growing world population. However, the primary challenge lies in distribution. Simply reducing FLW does not necessarily address the most pressing food needs, which may be specific to certain regions. To offer additional support for this explanation, we have developed tools that can provide valuable insights. Kindly explore the ToA tool and the MAGNET tool for further assistance.

Where can I find more information on FLW in the Netherlands?

You can find more detailed information on FLW in the Netherlands via the website of Samen Tegen (Together Against Food Waste Voedselverspilling and via the website of the FLW prevention program of Wageningen Food & Biobased Research Food Loss and Waste Prevention .

I need support with Food Loss and Waste reduction. Can your organisation assist us?

Yes, absolutely! We provide comprehensive support to private organisations, policymakers, NGOs, and all other types of professional bodies in Preventing, Reducing, and Reusing Food Loss and Waste (FLW), following the Food Loss and Waste Hierarchy. Our expertise includes developing protocols for data collection (whether national or supply chain-specific), analyzing entire sectors or specific supply chains, identifying root causes, and implementing
impactful interventions to tackle FLW. We work closely with partners to design tailored strategies that deliver measurable results. Want to know more? Get in touch with us via our contact form.

Who can I contact for more information?

To get in touch with us, please use our contact form. Fill it out with your specific request and include your email address so we can respond to you promptly.